API Documentation


The Charity Navigator API is a RESTful API that provides access to a subset of the data available in the Charity Navigator database. The API provides methods for accessing data on:

Live server


REST API Endpoints

GET /question

This endpoint takes in a natural language query ("e.g. Show me the best charities for Africa") and returns a JSON object that specifies the appropriate parameters for /charities, /indicator, /event that tries to answer that query.

GET /charities

This endpoint retrieves a list of charities with optional query parameters.

Optional query parameters

Parameter Description Default
search Search for charities by name or description (optional).
limit Limit number of returned charities (optional, default=20) 20
skip Skip number of returned charities (optional, default=0) 0
map_coordinates Filter charities by geographical location using either a country or a bounding box defined by latitude and longitude coordinates.
sort_by Sort the list of charities by a given field. Possible values are "rating", "name", "expenses", "revenues", "assets", "liabilities". (optional, sort_by=rating) rating
rating_gt Filter charities with a rating greater than a specified value. (optional, default=0) 0
assets_gt Filter charities with assets greater than a specified value. (optional, default=None, range: 0-5) None
assets_lt Filter charities with assets less than a specified value. (optional, default=None) None
liabilities_gt Filter charities with liabilities greater than a specified value. (optional, default=None) None
liabilities_lt Filter charities with liabilities less than a specified value. (optional, default=None) None
expenses_gt Filter charities with expenses greater than a specified value. (optional, default=0) 0
expenses_lt Filter charities with expenses less than a specified value. (optional, default=None) None
eins Filter charities by a list of EINs (optional).
affiliation Filter charities by religious affiliation, must be one of the following: Any, None, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Bahai
nonprofit Only return entities that are charitable, which excludes foundations, insurance companies, and trusts among others. (optional, default="true") true


GET /charities?search=fire&limit=10&skip=10&map_coordinates=usa&sort_by=rating&rating_gt=4&expenses_gt=1000000&eins=123456789,987654321

This example retrieves a list of at most 10 charities related to fire, skipping the first 10 records, located in the USA, with a rating greater than 4, expenses greater than $1,000,000, and having EINs of 123456789 and 987654321. The list is sorted by rating.

GET /charities/{ein}

Retrieve a single charity by EIN (Employer Identification Number).

Optional query parameters

Parameter Description Default
year Retrieve charity data from given year. If omitted, "latest" is assumed latest


GET /charity/752882187?year=2019

This example retrieves the charity with the EIN 752882187 from year 2019.

GET /indicators

Retrieve a list of indicators.

Optional query parameters

Parameter Description
search Search for charities by name or description.
limit Limit number of returned indicators.


GET /indicators?search=electric&limit=5

This example retrieves a list of indicators related to electricity and returns 5 topics. When no parameters are provided, return all indicators and topics

GET /indicator/{name}

Retrieve a single indicator by name.

Optional query parameters

Parameter Description Default
year Search for indicators by year (default `latest`). latest


GET /indicator/'GNI per capita, PPP (current international $)'?year=latest

This example retrieves the indicator with the name GDP.

GET /events

Retrieve a list of events


GET /events

Returns a list of valid event tags

GET /event/{tag}

Return GeoJSON map data for a given event

Required query parameter

Parameter Description
tag Retrieve events by tag, such as 'flood' or 'earthquake'



This example retrieves volcano map data